Windows & Blinds

Your Trusted Source for Window and Blinds Care

Apex Window Cleaning Services has over ten years of experience in professional window cleaning for residential and commercial clients. We have the best technicians to provide comprehensive cleaning to your windows, glass doors, tracks, and sills. We also clean vertical and horizontal blinds for your convenience. This will leave your windows looking clean and sparkling. We proudly service Lakewood, CO, and the surrounding areas. Call 480-819-6762 for a free estimate. 


Our window cleaning services include both the interior and exterior of your windows. We use high-quality cleaning products and equipment to remove dirt, dust, grime, and hard water spots. We also clean your window tracks and sills to ensure your entire window is sparkling clean. We guarantee you will be impressed when looking out the clean windows of your home or business.


We offer comprehensive blinds cleaning solutions. Our process begins with a thorough assessment of the blinds, taking into account their material, construction, and condition. We understand that after window cleaning, dust and debris may settle onto the blinds, diminishing their appearance and compromising indoor air quality. Therefore, we recommend scheduling a blind cleaning following a window cleaning session to ensure optimal results. Whether our clients have vertical or horizontal blinds, our team of skilled professionals employs a gentle, hands-on approach to cleaning. We do not utilize machines or harsh cleaners that may damage or degrade the blinds' surfaces. Instead, each blind is meticulously cleaned by hand, using eco-friendly cleaning solutions that effectively remove dust, dirt, and grime while preserving the integrity of the material.

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